Episode 52: The Power of Choice During Challenging Times
The twists and turns of Spiritual Evolution are surprising to not only you but surprising to us as well. Jessica and I are so proud of what we created with Adventures with Spirit. With that being said, we have decided to go into different directions with our spiritual practices and journey. What does this mean for YOU?
Episode 51: The Space Between Grief and Joy
Grief and Loss are two powerful words that we humans try to avoid at all costs because it hurts emotionally and sometimes physically. In this episode, we explore the Three of Swords. This Tarot depicts the message of rejection, betrayal, hurt, and discouragement. It reminds us that pain, sorrow, and grief are a necessary part of life.
Episode 50: Reclaiming Your Innate Self with Seryna Myers
In this episode, we welcome our second guest in Season 3. Seryna Myers is a Sacred Transformation Coach, Mystic Mentor in The Sacred Soul®️ Sisterhood, and author of Sacred Anger. Her work supports helpers, healers, and recovering people pleasers to reclaim their truth, stand in their wholeness and express all that they are - unapologetically.
Episode 49: Grab Your Six of Cups and Cultivate Your Joy
Like Tarot, the evolution of life has many ups and downs and turn all arounds. In Season 3 thus far, Tarot has shown us that when you are evolving, you are on a journey. Some of that journey is filled with rocky, rough ankle-twisting terrain. And some of that journey is as smooth as a newly paved road.
Episode 48: Riding the Tarot Wheel
This season we started with the Tarot card, The Fool. In Tarot, the Fool is card zero which is the beginning of the deck. Like Froddo Baggins, the Fool takes on an epic adventure. In our lives, essentially we are The Fool!
Episode 47: Aligning Your Magic with Melissa Amos
Melissa Amos is a Soul Transformation®️ Therapist, Akashic Records Reader and Holy Fire Reiki®️ Master Teacher who is dedicated to helping others cultivate their spirituality, embrace their intuition, and heal their past.
Episode 46: The Art of Walking Away
In this episode, we explore The Eight of Cups which signifies the time for change or transition, by means of walking away from something OR are they walking TOWARDS something?
Episode 45: Surrendering to The Rhythm of Your Life
Whether it is bands retiring or changing locations, things are always ending and new beginnings are always emerging. Because Spirit is always leading us, The Hanged One Tarot card was revealed for this week's episode.
Episode 44: The Strength in Going with the Flow
The Strength Card depicts a woman who is calm and appears to be at peace. She also happens to be standing next to a lion… She has courage, trust and confidence that lion will not hurt her. Do you have these same feeling of assurance towards your Spirit Guides?
Episode 43: Everybody Plays the Fool and They Should to Evolve
Per Oxford, a fool is "a person who acts unwisely or imprudently". Tarot sees The Fool differently. If the card is upright, the Fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, improvisation and believing in the universe and ADVENTURE!
Episode 42: It’s Time to Evolve: Spiritual Evolution in Real Time
In this episode, we will be discussing what we have been doing with our time off, a quick season 2 recap, and how we wanted a specific theme for Season 3 but Spirit said "NOPE. Do something a little different". So, of course, we listened!
Season 3 Trailer
As our Spiritual connections evolve, we want our podcast to evolve with us. And in return, YOUR spiritual connection will evolve, too. So this season, we are focusing on Spiritual Evolution in Real Life.